Mask Ponytail Strap
This isn't a formal blog post. I am in kind of a hurry. I think we all are to be honest. Those who are making masks, meals for the first responders, and truck drivers, we are all in a hurry to get as much done as possible as soon as we can. It is now recommended we ALL wear masks. With masks comes straps or elastic. Those of us who have elastic we know after a while, elastic hurts. A lot. I can't deal with the elastic behind my ears. In fact, my ears are little. I have seen the elastic strap supports people have been making and it got me thinking about my ponytail. And today, the ponytail support was born. The nice part of making the ponytail opening long is it will work for any size ponytail (maybe even a bun to come to think of it!) and it adjust as you put it on and not mess up your hair. BONUS! My Dollar Tree sales buttons. I bought 2 packages so I can make 6 straps. We will be working in the round in the spiral. You will being m...