
New Year, New Mission

 I am so bad about writing. I have all these thoughts swimming around in my head but I never find the energy to sit and just write.  New Year New Mission I have this amazing friend who has been feeding the homeless for some time now. I watched, I read her posts, and I was amazed by how God provided the means to feed the almost 120 people a week. Then I watched as she teamed with another friend and this developed to almost 200 people by Thanksgiving. And God's blessing continues. They are #HeartMission for sure. And I adore them. We have helped a few times. Macaroni and cheese twice and then helped with Thanksgiving. My emotions are overwhelmed.  The burden to do more was and is, to say the least, intense.  And then we committed. We will begin to feed the smallest hotel each week. As of today, it will be 10 people. That number could change but for the last few weeks, the number has been consistent at 10.  New Year New Mission So the adventure begins to get suppli...

Don't Forget the Ice Cream

Whatever You Do: Don't Forget About The Ice Cream So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.  Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34 NLT      Many know that my daughter is a Crohn's Warrior. She has been battling a combination of Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's since she was 9 years old.  It has been a multitude of battles in these years, that of not only physical, but emotional and spiritual. My girl internalizes EVERYTHING. She gets it honest: I do too. When she worries, it causes her digestive system to go into overdrive. I have learned to watch the signs. That's what Mamas do and do well.  Two weeks ago, Miss A went for her every 5 week infusion treatment. I feel like my Jeep just knows where to go: Downtown Children's Pavilion at the Children's Hospital of Richmond. Miss A shouts out what floor in the parking deck we are to park at and away we go.  There is a new nurse in the Infusion Center. She is there hel...

To School Or Not To School

I haven't written in months, but that is a post for another day. I don't have enough antacid to get me through it today. Today is different. This post is a push to get back to the keyboard. It the push I needed to stand up and be a mentor. We are commanded to be, aren't we? As the gray and silver streaks set in, we graduate from Proverbs 31 to Titus 2 for those around us, correct? Over the past several weeks, school systems across our country have opted to keep their doors closed and go virtual. There are some who agree with the decisions and there are some who do not. Some are burdened that when the schools closed in March, homeschooling was what they needed to do for the new school year.  Some families have prayed over this new life and reevaluated their nuclear core of importance and public school, with all the political unrest we are surrounded with, have opted to pull their children even if it is for just one year.  From experience, that is the scariest deci...

Mask Ponytail Strap

This isn't a formal blog post. I am in kind of a hurry.  I think we all are to be honest. Those who are making masks, meals for the first responders, and truck drivers, we are all in a hurry to get as much done as possible as soon as we can. It is now recommended we ALL wear masks. With masks comes straps or elastic. Those of us who have elastic we know after a while, elastic hurts. A lot.  I can't deal with the elastic behind my ears. In fact, my ears are little.  I have seen the elastic strap supports people have been making and it got me thinking about my ponytail. And today, the ponytail support was born. The nice part of making the ponytail opening long is it will work for any size ponytail (maybe even a bun to come to think of it!) and it adjust as you put it on and not mess up your hair. BONUS! My Dollar Tree sales buttons. I bought 2 packages so I can make 6 straps.  We will be working in the round in the spiral. You will being m...

Crochet on the Go Part 1

I have a lot of appointments. Sometimes I feel like I am in a different doctor's office several times a week. My life revolves around me waiting. So, to keep myself busy, I crochet. To be honest, I can crochet all day long if I didn't have responsibilities like kids. (sigh) Be productive, Wendy. Do something good with your hands Wendy. That I can do!  I was gifted A LOT of cotton yarn to help with animal rescue projects and any other projects I could find. And the mission began. What a perfect mini project for a waiting room or any other quiet time I can steal. I have a beloved friend that works with the homeless. Along with other volunteers, her and her family makes hundreds of sandwiches and then on Sunday evenings, they serve members of their community that are struggling. It's humbling to know that a sandwich could be their only meal that day. It got me thinking about what I could do with my hands and yarn that could help too? I started to research and I kep...

Safe and Warm: Project 1 Animal Hammocks

                              Animal Hammocks I love hammocks. To lay outside, all snug and safe, with the slight swaying in the sunshine.  But, it's winter and it's cold.  Until summer, my beloved hammock.  The hammocks we are going to be making aren't for people. They are for wildlife. The feral cat rescue groups, the wildlife groups who rescue possums and other wildlife. Side note: I am not a fan of possums (or opossums, either way you say it or spell it) but they are needed in our ecosystems. They are needed and the more I learn, the more I respect them.  Whether or not you are a fan, each creature has a place in our ecosystem. God created them for a purpose. When one species is gone, the entire ecosystem is thrown out of wack and then it is too late.  Environmental speec...

Works With Her Hands

"She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands." (KJV Proverbs 31:13) "Her hands are busy spinning thread, her fingers twisting fiber." (NLT Proverbs 31:19) Proverbs 31, the woman's ABCs of conduct.  Two of my favorite verses in this chapter and the foundation for my little business and this blog: Works With Her Hands To me, the art of thread work; whether it be sewing, crochet, knitting, cross-stitch, embroidery, and quilting,without the need of a machine, is fading into history and something told from stories of old. This blog will be craft related. Different projects I am working on. New designs I want to share. The call for arms to save our ABC's for the next generation and generations to come. To make things that mean something and will last. To create something that can be touched and smell the love of the hands that created it.   How do we change that? Well, as of right now: with one disaster and a call for ...