New Year, New Mission
I am so bad about writing. I have all these thoughts swimming around in my head but I never find the energy to sit and just write.
New Year
New Mission
I have this amazing friend who has been feeding the homeless for some time now. I watched, I read her posts, and I was amazed by how God provided the means to feed the almost 120 people a week. Then I watched as she teamed with another friend and this developed to almost 200 people by Thanksgiving. And God's blessing continues. They are #HeartMission for sure. And I adore them.
We have helped a few times. Macaroni and cheese twice and then helped with Thanksgiving. My emotions are overwhelmed.
The burden to do more was and is, to say the least, intense.
And then we committed. We will begin to feed the smallest hotel each week. As of today, it will be 10 people. That number could change but for the last few weeks, the number has been consistent at 10.
New Year
New Mission
So the adventure begins to get supplies and support together to be able to jump in ready and prepared. I have few friends that have committed to help whether it is finance, food, supplies, you name it. I can breathe easier knowing they are here to support me.
So the ultimate question becomes, "what do I need?"
Those who know me, know I do not do well with asking for help. And if I do, I am very vague about the details.
New Year
New Mission
This isn't about me.
So, I concede and I make my list of needs and wishes today.
Because of COVID, we are not allowed to feed people like a buffet as many have seen or participated in years past. Carry out meals only. I may never get to know those who we will feed. Trays are made, taking to the hotel manager and the staff notifies the people their meals are in. They come and get their meals and return to their rooms. No fellowship. No dining room. Sad but everyone is in good spirits when deliveries are made. All are thankful for hot meals and to know someone cares.
* 3 compartment foam carryout trays. This item is used the most.
* 16 oz plastic bowl with lids. Perfect for soups, stews, and beans, etc. I will use a lot of these as well.
*Condiment packages. The single-serving ones we get from carryout, drive-thru, and grab and go: Ketchup. Mustard. Mayo. Salad Dressings. Taco Bell mild sauce. Salt and Pepper.
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